Athletic Programs
In addition to regular physical education programs, CHS offers interscholastic athletic competition for students in grades 5-12, including soccer, volleyball, basketball, and track and field.
Athletic/Activities Eligibility
Eligibility for any extracurricular activity will be determined prior to participation, at the end of each grading period, and at the end of each week of participation (no D or F grades will be allowed). For varsity athletics, participants must meet all League requirements.
For all other activities and athletics, a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for the preceding grading period is mandatory. And maintaining passing grades in all classes during the competitive season or program is a must.
In addition to meeting academic requirements, students cannot participate in school sports unless all sports fees have been paid, and an updated sports physical is on file with the office.
Athletic/Activity Probation
It is sometimes necessary to restrict the students’ participation or to suspend them for a time. As for meeting the minimum grade point average, probation will be lifted the as soon as the new GPA meets or is above standard. As for the weekly monitoring of student progress and classrooms, the first report of any failing grade during any given week will result in only a warning being given that grades need to come up. A second report will result in a week’s suspension from participation. A third report will result in termination from the program. Reinstatement for participation in the next available activity will be based on current grade status at the time of the new program.
Physical Exams
Each year students participating in athletic events must have a physical examination on file with the school office. Sports physicals are valid for 2 years. It is the responsibility of parents to make sure that physicals are up-to-date. Students will not be able to participate in school sports or practices without an up-to-date physical on file.
All students are covered by the school’s accident insurance policy. This policy covers students during field trips, sports activities, or other school-sponsored events.
Sports Fees
The school charges a $75 sports fee per Jr. High sport and a $100 per sport Sr. High sports fee. These fees generally cover the cost of referees and tournament costs. Sports fees must be paid in full before a student can practice or play on a CHS sports team.